Effective communication and coordination between Emergency Responders and TKO Gas is important for successful management of pipeline incidents.

Product Characteristics

In addition to the classic rotten-egg odor, gas leaks can have a hissing sound, or appear as dirt blowing or water bubbling. First responders who suspect a natural gas leak should leave the building immediately and call TKO Gas at 1-806-244-4210. Follow these tips to keep yourself and others safe:

  • If the odor of natural gas is present, evacuate yourself and others nearby.
  • Do not turn on/off lights, use the phone or operate anything that could cause a spark.
  • Do not open windows or doors to ventilate the property until all sources of ignition and fuel are removed.
  • Do not operate underground or regulator station valves.

How To Recognize A Pipeline Leak

In the unlikely event of a pipeline leak, typically, one or any combination of these helps you recognize a leak:

Sight: Blowing dirt, fire coming from ground, dry or frozen spots, dead vegetation within a green area or water bubbling in a pond or creek.

Sound: Listen for a hissing, blowing or roaring sound.

Smell: Natural gas is primarily odorless in gathering or transmission lines, but it can have an unusual odor or hydrocarbon smell.

Emergency Response Preparedness Tools And Important Information

There are many tools available for Emergency Responders to be prepared and understand pipeline and utility incident risks. In addition, having coordinated and prepared emergency response plans with pipeline operators leads to a more effective response.

How You Should Respond To And Report A Pipeline Emergency

The following guidelines are designed to ensure your safety and the safety of those in the area if a pipeline leak is suspected or detected.

  • Secure the area around the leak
  • Evacuate the public
  • Contact TKO Gas as soon as possible at 1-806-244-4210
  • Establish a command center
  • Control ignition sources. If the pipeline leak is not burning, take steps to prevent causing any open flame or other potential source of ignition, such as an electrical switch, vehicle ignition, lighting of a match, etc.
  • DO NOT use a cell phone or two-way radio near the suspected emergency area
  • DO NOT attempt to put out natural gas or liquid fires. If burning, control the secondary fires
  • DO NOT operate any pipeline valves or equipment